
====== DataMeet Wiki ====== Welcome to the wiki.

===== Data Link Repository ===== * [[indiangeospatialdata|Indian Geo Spatial Data]] * [[catalog | DataMeet Data Catalog]]

===== Group Business ===== * [[logocontest|DataMeet Logo Contest]] * [[organizations-using-open-data-india| Organizations Using Open Data in India ]]

===== Events ===== * [[workshops|Workshops]] * [[hackathons|Hackathons]] * [[meetups|Meetups]] * [[odc|Open Data Camps]]

===== Recommendations ===== * [[odclettertoecidraft|Draft Letter to ECI post ODC2014]] * [[responsetondsap | Feedback given to NIC and DST in response to the NDSAP policy in Jan 2013]]

===== Tools/ Books/ Tutorials ===== We are cataloging the Tools/ Books/ Tutorials that can be used by the community to build their projects on. The idea is discoverability. We prefer open source projects as far as possible. You can go to [[tools | tools]] page to explore all whole list by category. * [[tools:gis_and_maps | GIS and Maps]] * [[tools:working_with_data | Working with data]] * [[tools:story_telling | Story Telling]] * [[tools:data_viz | Data Viz, Charts, Graphs]]

===== News Articles ===== [[newspapaer_coverage | Newspaper articles covering]] datameet community and related efforts. ===== DataMeet Guidelines ===== * [[guidelines:datameet-community-code-of-conduct|DataMeet Community Code of Conduct]] * [[guidelines:ipr-guidelines| IPR Guidelines]] * [[guidelines:chapter-guidelines|Chapter Guidelines]] * [[guidelines:working-group-guidelines|Working Group Guidelines]] ===== How to edit ===== You need account to edit or add pages to the wiki. Please contact thej @ datameet dot org for an account.